D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

But Still Death Remained
from "Death"
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I dashed a casket to splinters with an axe
But still Death remained
I burned the corpse with gasoline
But still Death remained
I gathered the ashes and threw them in the air
But still Death remained
I cried and scattered the blackened bones
But still Death remained
I swore that at Time's end I'd be resurrected
But still Death remained
I tried hard to astrally project, even succeeded
But still Death remained
I said that we're made of pure consciousness
But still Death remained
I said that at a specified date we'd ascend
But still Death remained
I made a cult about a new age without death
But still Death remained
I tried meditating to transcend to a different plane
But still Death remained
I said that all we see is illusion
But still Death remained
I claimed that the nature of life is empty
But still Death remained
I said was an incarnation of God
But still Death remained
I said that one must step from Time to Eternity
But still Death remained
I realized that I was getting nowhere
and Death remained.

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