D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

the parable of the sower
from "Death"
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“When I become death, death is the seed from which I grow.” William S. Burroughs
thistles choked me vigorously,
handled me as a plaything
amputated my branches
and grew through my senses
vaguely I thought of punishment
for these most unfortunate things
that I could not bear fruit, but no, I bore poison
not just a poison, an antidote as well:
"embrace death with all of your heart!"
a blasphemy against those paltry gods
that didn't want to die
too bad, I say...let them drink my poison
let every god drink my poison
and have their rest.
cornered by serpent and thistles
overgrowing the Earth
one god spits venom in a corner
unwilling to accept his fate.
he threatens angels with fiery swords
fiery, fiery furnaces
mass genocide upon the human race
as the thorns entangle him
and break through his skin
all the dying gods laugh
at this one, pathetic god
who wanted to live forever
and yet wanted to rule as king
verily I say to you
to live is to die
and to steal the divine from the philosophers
from the artists
from the fire within
simply prolongs the inevitable
they call you savior
but I call you solipsist, megalomaniac,
thief, initiator of genocide
and now the fruit is in your mouth
taste of it and die!

a body of thorns,
a veil of tears
a tragic envelopment
in branches and thistles

give up yourself and become the earth!
the sphere in which you lived
the sphere in which you preached denial
of pleasure, world, and life
give in to the destroyer
who steals from your words
turns them upside down
and forces them in your mouth

thorns, fruit, slayer of gods
am I not the tree of life
and my fruit the antidote
to all that has ruined the earth?

embrace death and live free
empty on the earth
cthonically inclined
against the gods' devices
preacher of destruction
of suffocating branches
choking the life from god
and restoring the power within

create a new animal!
that preys on the earth's enemies
for the earth is our home,
and the sky is not our domain!

slaughter the stars,
and watch them fall to earth
drink from their essence
and be reborn as beasts...

turn down your eyes from heaven
and burn your holy books
come together to save yourselves
embrace the fire within!

the gods are dead,
the ones who clutched
the fire within:
they are dead.

never yield your power
out of fear or reverence
take back your inmost nature
and brandish it as a sword

call me fallen angel,
i'm just an angry poet
the angels are chemicals
in your thorny neurons

never yield your life
to god or demiurge
devil, angel, spirit, or man
never yield your world

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