D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

The Staircase
from "Malediction"
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A staircase that leads
into another world
A world that exploded
And a fire that sometimes flares

A man at the bottom
of stairs with iron railings
Will throw you out of paradise
into the basements of Earth

Tartarus, the punishment
for chastising the gods
and daring to be free
in a world of one’s own

Let us celebrate in ecstacy
in the fire that drowns our lungs
and take in the beauty
of a world brought to its knees.

No one can destroy
the godhead that we rule with
or deny the pagan gods,
that illuminate us with gifts.

Lock them in darkness!
The fools who worship Him
Create science, history,
psychology and time.

Our beauty they cannot see
for it is below their radar
under the world they inhabit
as we rule from far below.

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