D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

The Logos
from "The Man-Bird Said"
(Buy on Etsy)

In the cathedral mall,
Pinocchio roamed,
nose getting longer
with his conscience as his guide

A man-bird with his angel-parents
who locked him in a cage,
to keep eternity out,
as they went about their shopping.

He busted free, that man-bird did,
and found a heavy metal stairwell.
As he leapt down those stairs,
a man crying blood threw him in--

Into the fire,
into the dialectic,
into the endless pursuit
of the Real.

Philosopher gone mad
November 25th
Duality and magic, Logos.

As he woke up,
his angel-mother was gone
but he knew not
as another mother replaced her.

"I was burning!"
the man-bird said
and his mother replied,
"It was only a dream."

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