D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

The Fine Art of Shutting Up
from "A Dry Spell"
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Drink makes shutting up so unbearable.
So to be by one's self, it seems foolish.
What one doesn't see is the fool that one makes
of oneself as one stumbles among humans.

Why drink up?
Why not toss the bottle?
Send it careening into a brick wall,
shattered into a toxic mess.

One last hurrah before the abstinence?
No, I'm not drinking but throwing the rest away
from this bottle that caused such a hangover
and a toilet full of vomit.

Why drink up?
Why not toss the bottle?
Pitch it into the brick,
this liquor that makes us sick.

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