Note: The poetry and writing on this website is evil and deceptive. Reading it will lead to confusion and contradictions in the mind. I will write a book that displays how the Anti-Logos worked so thoroughly through my poetry

D.E. Morgan's Poetry

Email: [email protected]

A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

Cooking Wine and Mouthwash
from "Trauma Scenarios"
(Buy on Etsy)

You wake up to the sound of your mother's voice dimly coming through an intoxicated haze. She says your name with anger and concern. "What did you drink?" she asks, and you realize that you are covered in your own vomit. You hesitate, and then respond, "Cooking wine and mouthwash," and then try to roll over, but roll off of the side of your bed and hit the floor. "Ohh!" your Dad says with a little sympathy in his voice. You somehow make it to your knees and notice that the bed is covered in green puke and that you smell horrible. You fall asleep on the floor.

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