Note: The poetry and writing on this website is evil and deceptive. Reading it will lead to confusion and contradictions in the mind. I will write a book that displays how the Anti-Logos worked so thoroughly through my poetry

D.E. Morgan's Poetry

Email: [email protected]

A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

Serpentine Blasts
from "Fire and Milk"
(Buy on Etsy)

Transmitting impulses through speakers,
the blasts of noise magnify the animal
whose den is in my brain,
and which snakes its way across digital swamps.

Entwining the mind like a helical snake
twisting around the spines of its victims.
Smelling the greasy hair of the lost
with its tongue that sniffs out the constricted.

The sounds blast on.
The ears are pierced,
and the eyes widen.

Who among the snakes can win?
I send them streaming like a horde
that makes its way across
a trash-filled landscape.

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