Note: The poetry and writing on this website is evil and deceptive. Reading it will lead to confusion and contradictions in the mind. I will write a book that displays how the Anti-Logos worked so thoroughly through my poetry

D.E. Morgan's Poetry

Email: [email protected]

A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

Intoxicating Liquor
from "Fire and Milk"
(Buy on Etsy)

Intoxicating liquor:

God of car crashes,
enabler of cheap sex.
Developed by monks and others:
the concentrated suicide
of many true depressives.

You don't make the world go away,
but you do make the world sway.

Writers are known for your choking embrace;
you poison the letters of the alphabet.

How might I persuade you to leave me be,
or how may I persuade me to let you be?
Our affair is torrid,
your toll is horrid.

You make insanity so bearable,
even if your inclinations are terrible.

Poison of the poisoners;
desire of the prisoners.
You are the key to the dungeon,
the whip, and the lash.

You poisoned my father,
a grandfather, and now me.
You're the godfather of beatings
and unprovoked beratings.

You keep the working class under your thrall,
as every teenager begins to heed your call.

Where might I go where I don't desire you;
where might the night be that doesn't call for you?

Tequila, tequila, tequila!
Did you ever hear that song?
Brass playing between drunken neurons
over dusty radios sixty years dead?

Tequila indeed.
Intoxicating liquor!

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