D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

Double Entendres

Speaking in double entendres comes naturally to me. My poetry is full of them. Does this make it meaningless, or mean that I am saying nothing? It could be said that by speaking in ways where the interpretation is ambiguous, the reader reads their own self into the text, that the text serves as a mirror of the reader's own desires. It's tricky; there are many ways to interpret some of the poems I have written and some of the interpretations could be construed as quite malevolent. The very notion of providing a mirror of the reader's subjective consciousness is questionable, perhaps.

Why do this? The answer is that it comes naturally to me. I suppose when I was first writing it was due to bad writing: I wrote unclear sentences. But then I learned to use ambiguity as a tool of chaos, as a way to introduce a moment where the text ceases to say something to the reader and the reader says something to themselves. This is quite jarring at times, and at its worst will lead to me being accused of promoting evil. Of course, this is a matter of interpretation: if you read evil into the ambiguity, it could be your own evil that you're looking at and some self-examination may be in order.

Double entendres are associated with extreme sarcasm, and probably the most sarcastic person to have ever lived was Friedrich Nietzsche. Sure, he was a misanthrope and a swallower of minds, but his mastery of the double entendre is without question. I feel that I do double entendres without realizing, that there is a part of me that produces them prior to me consciously being aware of them and bids me to write them. Perhaps a "daemon" is responsible? I know not; it is a matter that is hidden from me. Whatever part of me is producing them, it does so in a way that I'll find horrific possibilities of interpretation in things that I write that I was not consciously aware of when I wrote them. So am I to blame? Well, consciously, no, but they do come from my subconscious mind, so I suppose on some level I am to blame for these ghastly words that sometimes come out. It is up to the reader how to view me in this light, but I would advise you: read the poem twice if you think what I have said is evil, and also look within yourself to see if you're only reading your own dark side into the poem.