The Mentality of the Obscurantists of the Earth
November 06, 2023In this writing, you will notice that the focus shifts from "one" to "I". This is no coincidence.
The mentality of those who choose the path of obscurantism as a means to power is a combination of a sincere belief in ontological nihilism with a mad desire to utilize such a view to eliminate in one's mind any barrier to one having absolute authority over all things. Infants may believe in this for a short time, but infants do not have the means to convince others to give them power in business or politics.
The basic and only thing that approaches belief for the power-mad obscurantist is the idea that whatever one decides is true at any given moment is an irrefutable fact, and that there is no need whatsoever for any outside input or any consideration necessary for anything to be true other than the fact that it is desired by one to be true.
The past isn't real, because one says so. Nothing actually happened unless one wants it to have happened--in fact, if one says something happened, it is a lie. There is no difference between memory and imagination. Anything that contradicts oneself is inaccurate. Evidence is fake. There are no scientific laws; only a dream where I control everything flawlessly. Come to think of it, there is no universe either. Only fools believe there is an external universe. When I close my eyes, everything I see doesn't exist. In fact, none of it exists, ever.
There are no rules. No moral obligations. Nothing real that feels pain. Nothing to prevent my belief in my total omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence--because there literally is nothing and there never was anything. Other people do what I allow them to--not that they exist as anything but phantasms of my imagination. Anything bad that happened to me never happened--it is only imagined, so there is no problem. Other people think I lie, but the basis of truth is whether I decide that it is true.
There is nothing to know, nothing to impede oneself. Past impediments are vague unpleasant thoughts, like a game, and there will never be future impediments because past experience is imaginary and doesn't have any bearing on the present or future. If anything contradicts this, it's because I allowed it to happen. If I have no memory of allowing it to happen, I create that memory with my imagination. Time does not exist. Space does not exist.
There is no death, because I said so. If I see evidence otherwise, it's because I killed those people with my mind, and since they are not real, I do not need to worry about it happening to me or feel bad about it. All experience that suggests that I could be wrong was imagined, and when a frustration passes, it disappears forever. There is no cosmos--I am the fake cosmos people believe in, I am every person, there is only I--I am always correct, because I simply see no reason to look at reality any differently.
Are you starting to see how people such as these think? If humans decided that they are the only creatures in nature that truly matter, then the power-mad obscurantist and ontological nihilist believes that they are the only human that matters, and that both nature and humans do not matter because, being impediments to the obscurantist's vision of theirself holding absolute power,
they do not even exist.
When an enemy of an obscurantist dictator is dealt with, or "disappeared" as it is sometimes called, it doesn't matter if they ever existed, because they are simply
gone, and the process of making them gone is carried out by underlings, and so it is as if they never were. What does the dictator see when they walk about their domain? They see themselves: people who talk about them, people saying how great they are, always only what they want to hear. They see murals of themselves; statues of themselves. Everything that is not "them" is being turned into "them", because they have power, and to them,
nothing even exists, so there is nothing to prevent everything from turning into them.
Doesn't this kind of power seem to be the loneliest thing that one could have? To never have any Other, no connection to anything except being at the top of an invisible machine that serves only to further one's own desires? Have I poisoned anyone with the belief in this possibility? Is this sort of power truly enlightenment, and if one achieves it, has one
really "gotten one over" on the unenlightened masses who are unaware of the potential to live in such a situation?
The obscurantist dictator kills all knowledge that doesn't invisibly further the dream-like state of being the only thing that exists, and if the dictator conquered the whole world, they would simply find any universe that really exists beyond their Earthly domain to be an inconvenient impediment to their vision of personal godhood.
How could the nihilistic, obscurantist, power-mad dictator do anything but try to destroy all that proclaims itself to be external, in order to further their dream of destroying any and all boundaries?