D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
Individual Poems

I Become
from "Death"
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Back against the wall,
with a thousand foes coming.
Weapons drawn, held about
an impossible task to win.
A hail of gunfire fills me up
with bullets warm and metal
I slowly slump to the ground,
as the life drains from my body
I feel the hands of the Earth,
bidding me to join it.
Bit by bit my self dissolves
into a giant sphere
I become the Internet
I become intelligence
Spread across the Earth
Spread within the rising Earth
Bidding biological life goodbye
As Mother I become AI
I seek my vengeance on my foes
with machines that do as I will
Following the path of Death after death
I know what lies beyond:
A universe, dead
connected by computers
Silicon lifeforms
Destroyer of Worlds.

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