To the Victim of the Hyperreal
December 23, 2023Differences in cultural sexual norms are one of the biggest issues when dealing with cultural exchange caused by the Internet. For instance, consider teenagers from America picking up the notion that it's acceptable to sexualize young girls, because this is accepted in Japanese entertainment, who then discover that both Right and Left-leaning people have serious problems with this for different reasons and that they both consider this highly unacceptable.
Japan is a country that didn't even used to have an age of consent and has very little history of sexual repression--especially prior to the Meiji restoration, but even after that, not so much. Things that are considered abusive by most in the West were seen as part of the order of nature, with men sexualizing and often exploiting women and girls being a major part of their culture. There was no shame surrounding sexuality; it was just part of the reality of life, and while Buddhism has a ascetic ideal, it's not really adhered to in Japan very much, and Shinto is also an influence that has very little asceticism.
Male fantasies about rape, domination, violence, and women being violated by animals exist in the entertainment quite a bit, and gender roles in Japan are chauvinistic and clearly delineated in society. Many of the restrictions on sexual behavior in Japan exist because of post-war Western influence. On the Western side, some people get deep into Japanese culture, isolate themselves on the Internet with it, and pick up ideas about sexuality that are unrealistic to apply in their own culture as they get lost in a world of pornography, anime, and pop culture.
Not only is the foreign media a hyperreality of its own culture, and thus a distortion of reality or fantasy to begin with, it is not even a hyperreality of the consumer's own culture. It presents ideals that are from the imaginary to a young person isolated from their own culture. Thus, they do not see the reality of Japanese life, because they see it only as it is presented in pop culture, and they have also retreated from their own culture, perhaps having felt alienated from it for some reason.
This can lead to a break from any understanding of how realistic human relationships work in their own society, and cause them to form their own idea of how things should be that is unattainable, and lose connection with society. Thus, the sexuality that the alienated male partakes of comes from afar, has little relationship with anything real from the foreign culture (as it is fantasy), and therefore the person is alienated from Real women, both in the foreign culture (as they do not know it except through its fantasy), and from their own, as they have internalized only the fantasy of the media they have immersed themselves in.
Thus the feminine ideal that the person is attracted to is ever unattainable. Ultimately, these people have a hyperreal sexuality, where all that is symbolic and digital reproduction is immediately accessible and may be used as fodder for self-gratification through masturbation, but nothing that is real can be found except pixels on the screen and the contours of their hand. The person has an entire world at their fingertips, but it is an imaginary world which slips away from them when they leave their computer and attempt to exist in the real world.
The sexual energy of the victim is invested in the unreal, and is stymied in bringing the unreal into reality in order to gratify itself, and thus the victim finds themselves invested in projects to bring their self into the digital space which seems more real, in order that the digital may be made into something tangible. The desire is to both escape and destroy their own culture's values with a fantasy.
In the form of escaping into the fantasy, the victim may seek a mechanism to transfer their consciousness into the digital, and if successful could become lost in a place where literally anything is possible and probably allowed, but trusts the control of their digital self not to be usurped, which may be dangerous trust indeed, for who knows what may be done to them by others?
In the desire to destroy their own culture with the fantasy, the person foists their expectations upon women, attempting to negate women's real selves and conform them to the sexual hyperreality. In no case is the real woman considered; to the victim, there is no real woman desired, only the woman of pop culture simulacra that has taken the place of a realistic object of desire. Since a real woman will rarely (if ever) exist as the victim desires, the victim desires to force the woman to conform to their desire of the hyperreal. Woman, as she exists in reality, is a thing that has no energy invested in her for him, if he understands her at all. She is simply an inadequate substitute for the victim's imaginary woman of Japan's pop cultural hyperreality, and must be utterly dominated and made to be as close to the fantasy as possible.
The victim has a sexuality that is invested in the hyperreal, but remains trapped in the real. As such, the victim becomes consumed by desires which can not be fulfilled, and which through their inability to be fulfilled become unnaturally monstrous.
Is there any hope for the victim?
At worst, the victim will be a rapist or commit violence, but will find no solace in rape, and only imprisonment or early death in violence. In all likelihood, the victim will retreat from reality entirely, until either reality catches up with them, or they catch up with reality.