D.E. Morgan's Poetry

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A brief word on double entendres...
...and some words for those offended
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D.E. Morgan - The Sub-Lunar Realm.pdf

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A first foray into poetry, I tried many different forms, perhaps not having found my true voice as a writer, the poems are still something I'm proud of. I struggled to take the symbols of my Judeo-Christian environment with a desire to formulate them into something I desired to believe in, struggling to breathe in the ocean of stifling, restrictive dogma, complete with its mandatory suffering and thralldom. I spoke of the noise of the universe, and how it was the true music of life, that by desiring to hear order in things we discard the true nature of the universe as we filter it through our standards and dogmas.

The book ends with the evil poem "The Woman With Whom I Destroyed the Universe", which could symbolize the desire for another world, to overcome the world and bring something better into being.